John Donne

Poète et prédicateur anglais.

Les mots clés associés avec ces citations :
  transmigration     profond     tempête     soi-même     île     partie     calme     mer     âme     mort     continent     sonner le glas  
4 citations pour John Donne
Aucun homme n'est une île, complet en soi-même ; chaque être humain est une partie du continent, une partie du tout.

Meditation XVII

En anglais : "No man is an Island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the Continent, a part of the main; if a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as if a manor of thy friends or of thine own were; any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankind; And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; It tolls for thee."

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Je chante le progrès de l'âme infinie.

The Progress of the Soul
First Song

En anglais :
"I SING the progress of a deathless soul,
Whom fate, which God made, but doth not control,
Placed in most shapes; all times, before the law
Yoked us, and when, and since, in this I sing.
And the great world to his agèd evening
From infant morn, through manly noon, I draw.
What the gold Chaldee, or silver Persian saw,
Greek brass, or Roman iron, is in this one;
A work to outwear Seth’s pillars, brick and stone,
And—Holy Writ’s excepted—made to yield to none."

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La mer est aussi profonde dans le calme que dans la tempête.

Sermons "Mundus Mare"

En anglais : "The Sea is as deepe, there is as much water in the Sea, in a calme, as in a storme."

"The world is a sea in many respects and assimilations. It is a sea as it is subject to storms and tempests; every man (and every man is a world) feels that. And then it is never the shallower for the calmness; the sea is as deep, there is as much water in the sea in a calm as in a storm; we may be drowned in a calm, and flattering fortune in prosperity, as irrecoverably as in a wrought sea in adversity—so the world is a sea. It is a sea as it is bottomless to any line which we can sound it with, and endless to any discovery that we can make of it. The purposes of the world, the ways of the world, exceed our consideration, yet we are sure the sea hath a bottom, and sure that it hath limits that it cannot overpass; the power of the greatest in the world, the life of the happiest in the world, cannot exceed those bounds which God hath placed for them—so the world is a sea. "

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La mort de tout homme m'amoindrit parce que je fais partie de l'humanité; c'est pourquoi, ne demande jamais pour qui sonne le glas, il sonne pour toi.

En anglais : "Any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankind; And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee."

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