Il est aisé de faire perdre sa foi à un homme, mais il est difficile de le convertir à une autre.
Les sept piliers de la sagesse

En anglais : "Easily was a man made an infidel, but hardly might he be converted to another faith."

Extrait : "In my case, the effort for these years to live in the dress of Arabs, and to imitate their mental foundation, quitted me of my English self, and let me look at the West and its conventions with new eyes: they destroyed it all for me. At the same time I could not sincerely take on the Arab skin: it was an affectation only. Easily was a man made an infidel, but hardly might he be converted to another faith. I had dropped one form and not taken on the other, and has become like Mohammed's coffin in our legend, with a resultant feeling of intense loneliness in life, and a contempt, not for other men, but for all they do."

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