Jeremy Bentham

Philosophe britannique.

Les mots clés associés avec ces citations :
  mouton     loup     engraisser     nombreux     douleur     loi     atteinte à la liberté     plaisir     gras     moindre mal  
3 citations pour Jeremy Bentham
Il est de l'intérêt du loup que les moutons soient gras et nombreux.

En anglais : "It is the interest of the wolf that the sheep should be fat and abundant, and that pasture, to render them so, should abound at all times. "

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La nature a placé l'humanité sous le gouvernement de deux maîtres souverains, la douleur et le plaisir. Eux seuls dictent nos actions.

En anglais : "Nature has placed mankind under the governance of two sovereign masters, pain and pleasure. It is for them alone to point out what we ought to do, as well as to determine what we shall do. "

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Toute loi est un mal car toute loi est une atteinte à la liberté.

En anglais : "It is with government, as with medicine. They have both but a choice of evils. Every law is an evil, for every law is an infraction of liberty: And I repeat that government has but a choice of evils: In making this choice, what ought to be the object of the legislator? He ought to assure himself of two things; 1st, that in every case, the incidents which he tries to prevent are really evils; and 2ndly, that if evils, they are greater than those which he employs to prevent them."

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